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Constitution - Sustainable Newport Shropshire


Clause 1: Name

The name of the group shall be Sustainable Newport.

Clause 2: Aims/Objectives

To raise awareness and understanding of sustainability and climate change among all the sectors of Newport and district. To promote and take action to further the achievement of sustainability and help prevent climate change.

Clause 3: Membership

The committee may admit to membership of the group, anyone who supports the aims and objectives of the group and pays the membership subscription for the time being.

Clause 4: Annual General Meeting (AGM)

An Annual General Meeting of the members of the group must be held within three months of the end of the financial year for receiving the Annual Report of the committee. Considering the audited or independently examined accounts and electing the Honorary Officers, auditors, or independent examiners of the committee.

Clause 5 Ordinary General Meeting

The Chair of the committee or four members may call an Ordinary General Meeting by giving at least 14 days’ notice to all members.

Clause 6; Honorary Officers

At the AGM the members of the Group shall appoint a Chair, Treasurer and Secretary and such other officers as they may decide.

Clause 7: The Committee

The Group shall be managed by the committee consisting of the honorary officers and up to eight members elected at the AGM. The Committee may co-opt not more than three persons with special knowledge or experience. Co-opted members shall serve for such periods as the Committee shall decide and shall be honorary members of the Group during their term of office.

Clause 8: Procedure at Meetings

The Chair or person presiding at any meeting shall have a second or casting vote should there be an equality of votes on any matter. A quorum at any general meeting of the Group shall be one third of the members and at any committee meeting shall be five or one third of the committee whichever is lower.

The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Group and the Committee.

Clause 9: Finance

The financial year shall run from 1 April to 31 March. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of the Group.

The income and property of the Group whatever its source derived, shall be applied solely towards the objectives/aims of the Group as set out in clause two. No payment shall be made to any member or honorary officer except out-of-pocket expenses. At the end of each financial year the accounts shall be audited or examined by one or more suitably qualified auditors or independent examiners.

Clause 10: Holding Trustees

The Committee may appoint not less than three persons to act as Trustees for the purposes of holding property or investments on behalf of the group.

Clause 11: Dissolution

If the Committee decides that on the grounds of expense or otherwise, it is desirable that the Group shall be dissolved, it shall call a Special General Meeting (SGM) of the Group by giving 21 days’ notice in writing to each group member stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed thereat. If it is decided at the SGM by a simple majority of those present and voting that the Group shall be dissolved, the committee shall wind up the Group’s affairs. Any assets remaining after satisfaction of any liabilities properly payable thereat shall not be distributed amongst members but shall be given to such other charitable organisations for the benefit of the area in clause two as the Committee decide.

Clause 12: Amendments

This constitution may be amended by a resolution passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at any General Meeting of the Group provided that the notice of the meeting in writing stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed thereat, shall have been sent to all members of the Group not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting.

This Constitution was adopted at the AGM of Sustainable Newport (formerly Newport 21) held on Monday 8th June 2009 at The Guildhall, 3, High Street, Newport, Shropshire.