Hello Everyone 2018 closed with a successful bond offer for a wind turbine for Small Wind Co-op and 2019 opens with news of another bond offer about to launch at the start of February for a turbine on an adjacent site in County Durham for SWC.  This is a Vestas machine at High Knitsley, very near to the Hownsgill site, which is in the process of being purchased. 

The High Knitsley turbine, with Hownsgill visible beyond

 More information can be found athttps://smallwind.org.uk/2019/01/21/new-bond-offer-for-2019/.As our 50 free bonds offer to pre-registrants offer was so popular, we will be repeating it this time – although this time with only 200,000 bonds on offer there will be no further free bonds once the first 100 applicants are in, so please do pre-register here:


As of today, supporters have pre-registered for about 25% of the target amount. Please feel free to share the link to anyone you know who may be interested in supporting community energy.Brighton Energy Coop (www.brightonenergy.org.uk) is an eight-year old co-operative with more than 500 members, 28 solar systems and has raised £1.9m do date.  Last week they launched the latest of their community-funded solar projects: solar at Woodingdean, Coldean and Carden Primary Schools, plus two further solar projects with long-time BEC collaborators: the University of Brighton and Shoreham Port.  BEC is looking to raise £500,000 for these latest projects (480kWP); members receive a 5% interest on their investment, and profits go towards supporting BEC’s community fund. Previously this fund has supported solar on a local earthship, fuel poverty surveys in Brighton, and the launch of a community energy group’s share offer in Hastings.   See here for details of BEC’s latest projects https://brightonenergy.org.uk/2018/12/revealed-new-solar-on-three-schools-and-a-university-join-bec-to-make-it-happen/And join BEC here – https://brightonenergy.org.uk/product/join/ Nadder Community Energy successfully beat their £136,000 target to put new solar onto schools locally, which was a great start to 2019 and installation is underway. Grannell Community Energy also closed their offer just before Christmas and are in the process of negotiating a loan for the balance of their finance costs, which will enable their turbine installation to proceed.  Applicants will hear about this in more detail shortly. Thanks for your continuing support. The team at Sharenergy

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