We had our first trial of Climate Fresk training in February at the Newport library, facilited by our vice chair Susanne Bearblock. The training was a success with participants being happy with the outcome and what they learnt. We’ll now be seeking additional funding to run additional sessions for interested members of the community.

Below is a review by Kirsty Finchett of the training:
I was initially nervous about joining a game of Climate Fresk when I was first invited. I am
enthusiastic about trying to take positive action to reduce my carbon footprint and I care a great
deal about the natural world but I wouldn’t say I necessarily know a lot about the science. I really
didn’t need to be nervous though, the game isn’t about knowing everything already it’s about
learning and discovering the consequences of our actions.
Susanne explained the game and led the group through the process. It was lovely to have a social
event with Sustainable Newport and play thought provoking and meaningful game (that wasn’t on a
Seeing the cause and effect of human actions laid out in such a visual way had a big impact on me
but I also learnt lots which can make my personal choices more informed and therefore they should
hopefully have less of a negative impact.
When playing the game you work as one team, this provokes discussion and brings in the different
strengths and knowledge people have. I found this collaboration really enjoyable as in most games
we are pitted against each other rather than working together. It also gives space for everyone to
express their own thoughts and ideas.
Towards the end of the game we could add a bit of our own creativity which was almost therapeutic
after discussing some big topics.
I would encourage anyone who is thinking of joining a session of Climate Fresk to give it a go. It’s not
often these sorts of things have a lasting impact, but when living my life I now visualise what we
created during the game as a reminder to make better choices. It was an enjoyable, fun afternoon
that I would certainly recommend.

Kirsty Finchett

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